What Is Strength Training workout? Strength Training for Beginners

Strength Training Workout For Beginners

How to perform: Do two groups of 10 to 15 repetitions from each of the exercises. Repeat it three or two times per week, on alternate days.
You'll require two sets of dumbbells (3 to 5 pounds, and 8-12 pounds) or an assortment of bands for resistance.

Dumbbell Chest Press

Muscles exercised: chest, shoulders, and triceps

A. Place yourself on a bench and keep your elbows bent 90 ° towards the sides.

B. Straighten the arms and then return. The weights should be centered in the middle of your chest.

Modification: Perform these at the foot instead of on a bench to prevent hyperextending arms above the chest, which could put lots of strain on shoulders.
The reason you should try the exercise: "Your chest is one of the largest muscles in your upper body and when you're training your chest the chest press is the most effective," says Freeman. "It's an exercise that is compound and it's exercising your anterior deltoids [the upper part of your shoulders and triceps throughout the entire movement."

One-Arm Dumbbell Row

Muscles were worked in the upper back

A. Stand with your legs separated by hips and place both hands on the bench and the other hand with the weight on the lower side below the shoulder.

B. Pull the elbow upwards toward the ribs and then lower. Maintain a flat back and stand with a 45-degree bend in the hips.

What you need to know about the exercise: "The single-arm dumbbell row is an excellent compound upper-body exercise that targets your back, upper traps, and lats as shoulders and biceps assist during the whole exercise," says Freeman. "Standing in this position is a great method to get some additional core workout in. Remember that there should not be any motion or swinging. slower and more steady win the muscle race!"

Biceps Curl

Muscles were worked in Biceps

A. Position yourself with the arms straight out in the direction of the thighs. Place one dumbbell on each hand with the palms looking forward.

B. Slowly pull weights towards the shoulders and then lower them back to the start position.

The reason you should perform the exercise: "This is the best exercise to isolate your biceps" claims Freeman. The trick here is to eliminate any momentum. You shouldn't even try to raise the dumbbell. "Think of trying to put your elbows to your sides and then raise the dumbbell completely using the biceps of your arms," he says. "Stop on the highest point, but not before your elbows begin to move off your shoulders which means that if the weights are touching your shoulders the weight is too high." (Here are some more suggestions to learn how to master the Biceps Curl.)

Triceps Extension

Muscles trained include the triceps

A. Stand with your legs wide at the hips.

B. Lean toward the front from the waist, elbows bent 90 degrees to the sides.

C. Straighten arms.

The reason you should try this: "The triceps extension is an excellent isolation exercise which doesn't require an enormous amount of mass to experience the pain," says Freeman. Like the curl of your biceps, the trick here is to consider your arm as an articulation by your side. "The one thing which needs to move is the elbow. straighten your arm while squeezing your triceps on top, and then return."

Lateral Raise

Muscles exercised including shoulders

A. Stand with your arms at your sides, palms up.

B. Straighten arms (with pinky as a guide) up to shoulder level.

What you need to do: "Well-built lateral delts [the sides of your shoulders] give you that nice, shoulder shape and the lateral raise is the most effective exercise for focusing the muscular structure," says Freeman. "Just as any other isolation exercise it's about control in performing this move correctly."

Basic Squat

Muscles trained in the legs and butt

A. Stand feet slightly bigger than hips-distance apart. toes slightly dragged out.

B. Keep weight on the mid-foot and the heels (not your toes) then sit back and then down. Keep knees aligned with the toes, and concentrate on lifting your chest.

C. Lower until your thighs are in line with the floor if it is possible.

The reason you should try the following: "Squats have become the most popular of all lower body exercises, especially for those seeking to increase the glutes!" Says Freeman. However, keep in your mind: "Safety is a must during this exercise to avoid injury, especially for the back region. If you're just beginning or just returning to fitness generally, you should begin with only body weight and concentrate solely on your flexibility and correct posture. If you're not able to move that low without lowering your chest forward, continue practicing the flexibility of your body." Once your form is perfect then you can begin adding weight. (Make sure you're able to squat correctly prior to doing this strength-training exercise for novices.)

Front Lunge

Muscles exercised muscles: legs and butt

A. Stand with your feet together with a dumbbell in both hands by the sides.

B. Step forward using your right foot and lower the foot until both knees are at 90-degree angles, and the back knee is suspended off the ground.

C. Press to the left heel, move backwards, and then return to the beginning position.

D. Repeat on the opposite side.

The reason you should try this: "Also great for the legs and the booty Lunges can cause destruction on knees in the wrong way," says Freeman. "This is an extremely difficult exercise and is easily experienced using just your body weight."


Abs and muscles were worked on to strengthen the abs

A. Lay face-up across the flooring.

B. Bend elbows to knees, bend opposite sides Then switch sides.

The reason you should try this: "Bicycle twists are great to work multiple parts of your core, particularly the muscles of the obliques," says Freeman. "The most common mistake people make while performing this exercise is pulling on their neck. To prevent this from happening, try placing your hands directly behind your temples as well as keeping your elbows free instead of bringing them towards your head." If you experience tension in your neck It's because you're trying to lift more than your core is able to strengthen for and that you're compensating for your neck. "Lower your range of motion (meaning not trying to lift as far above the ground) and decrease your twists," says Freeman. "You'll still feel it!"


Muscles were worked in the lower back and butt

A. Lay face down on the floor and lift the arm in front of you and your leg.

B. Switch sides. Keep your eyes down towards the floor to ensure proper posture.

What you need to know about this: "This is a wonderful lower-back workout, and is vital to avoid lower-back accidents," says Freeman. While lying with your back on the floor, consider placing your toes on the floor, and not letting them slide off the floor at any point. This will assist in engaging your glutes and also. When you lift your body off of the ground, you do not need to lift too high. Simply focus on squeezing your upper body when you lift and you'll also engage the lower back muscles.


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