Best Stretching Exercises Before Workout | Diet N Fit

Are you a fitness freak? And also are you one of those people who tend to skip the warming and cooling muscle phase pre and post-workout. Well, here's some information about it that you shouldn't skip if you don't want to end up injured. There are certain things in our exercise routine that shouldn't be skipped and that are warming up as well as cooling down the muscles. However, many people tend to skip this part and it increases the chances of injury, sprains, and pain.

Why stretching before a workout is important?

Many injuries are caused just because the muscles are not warmed up and cooled down properly. As recommended by experts, the stretching exercises before workout should consist of dynamic stretches. These stretches raise the temperature of muscles while reducing stiffness. This improves performance and also reduces the chances of getting injured during workout. Also, these stretches also improve acceleration, agility as well as speed during workout. 

Here are certain stretching exercises that you can do before workout to get started with that adrenaline rush:


For squats, you need to take a position with your feet apart (shoulder width). Point out the toes, bend the knees and push the hips back by engaging the core. Do this until your thighs reach a parallel position with the ground. Meanwhile, you can hold hands in front of them to keep them straight. This helps in maintaining balance.

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Leg Swings

This is an extremely easy stretching exercise. You need to stand straight and keep the hips aligned. Now all you need to do is to swing a single leg forward as well as backward. Keep switching the sides so that your both legs get warmed up. As far as taking help of something to hold is concerned, you can take help of a pole, fence or a wall.


Stand straight and keep your core engaged. Move your one leg forward making sure your heel lands forward. Lower the level of your body until your other leg behind gets parallel to the level of the floor. Get into the beginning position again and repeat the same with the other leg. 

Jumping Jacks

Stand straight with your hands aligned in a straight direction with your body. Bend the knees a bit and jump in the air. When you jump your arms should go over the head while your legs should go a bit more than your shoulders. Get back to the original position by jumping again and repeating the steps.

Arm Circles

Maintain a distance of shoulder width in between your legs and extend the arms that are in parallel direction with the floor. Move your arms in a circular direction. Start with small circles and increase the size as you feel your muscles stretching. Do it in a clockwise direction first and then anticlockwise. 

Toe Taps

Keep your legs straight with hip-width in between them. Extend your right arm in front and take the right leg upwards in direction of your right arm. Tap the right toe with the right hand while the left toe with the left hand. Repeat this until you feel the stretch.

These stretching should start with less repetitions and should be increased gradually. Don't force your body to extend beyond its limit else you will injure yourself in pre workout stretch itself, let alone main exercise. If you are not aware of correct movements and correct postures, take guidance from your trainer and do it under his/her supervision. Proper guidance will ensure correct postures and correct movements so that you can reap the best results out of your workout session.


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