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Best Stretching Exercises Before Workout | Diet N Fit

Are you a fitness freak? And also are you one of those people who tend to skip the warming and cooling muscle phase pre and post-workout. Well, here's some information about it that you shouldn't skip if you don't want to end up injured. There are certain things in our exercise routine that shouldn't be skipped and that are warming up as well as cooling down the muscles. However, many people tend to skip this part and it increases the chances of injury, sprains, and pain. Why stretching before a workout is important? Many injuries are caused just because the muscles are not warmed up and cooled down properly. As recommended by experts, the stretching exercises before workout should consist of dynamic stretches. These stretches raise the temperature of muscles while reducing stiffness. This improves performance and also reduces the chances of getting injured during workout. Also, these stretches also improve acceleration, agility as well as speed during workout.  Here ar...

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